Cyclone Separators
When a conventional cyclone separator application is required, Environmental Pneumatics Inc. offers a complete range of sizes to meet all applications. Our cyclones are constructed with 12, 14, and 16-gauge steel. These cyclone separators are supplied with OSHA-approved safety access ladders, staircases, guards, handrails, and walkways. Steel supports from the floor of the building to the roofline are provided as needed.
Inclone® Receiver Filter
The Inclone® Receiver separates scrap paper and dust particles using gravity and centrifugal force in the same way as the proven technology of a conventional cyclone separator. This technology and the ability of the Inclone® to balance and neutralize the air pressure generated will allow the separated material to fall naturally into the baler feed chute.
The Inclone® System is a "Zero" pressure system with no moving parts. Gravity performs the material separation. There are no rotary airlocks or material conveyors between the separator and the baler that would require frequent maintenance or replacement.
A pulse jet baghouse filter, cartridge filter, or drum filter filters the dust the conveying systems and shredder generate. The dust is compressed and augered into the side of the bale chute to be baled with the scrap waste. The filtered air is typically returned to the factory.
- Maximum baler chute, minimum height
- Dust can be baled with the paper trimmings
- No Air Locks, No Conveyors, No Hassle
- Competitive project prices with the best system design.

Air Filters and Bag Houses
We provide internal and after filters for any existing cyclone separators, and other types of material receivers. Most existing scrap removal systems may be retrofitted to comply with current EPA & NFPA requirements.
Our compressed air reverse jet filters can be installed and function with any existing separator receiver.
In addition to filtration units of our design, we also represent all manufacturers of specialty filter equipment.